I just received my order, I am impressed with how beautiful it came out. You did a fantastic job.
Thank you so much :)
Have a great weekend
Lili, | fast replacemnt Thank you for correcting the shadow box I ordered that arrived too big. I received the replacement shadow box and it fit perfectly! I love the dark gray finish, too. I’m looking forward to receiving the 11X14 black shadow box to mount my other art.
Nanig, | happy Thanks -- helpful info indeed. Today I got confirmation that my order's been shipped! WOW was that ever fast! Your production facility must be huge -- and super-busy. Thanks to everyone involved with completing/shipping orders. Lookin' forward to seeing these canvases!
Jooly, | thanks again! Just received another canvas print and it looks amazing. The colors are superb. Another job well done. I will be ordering again.
Brad, Norh Vancouver |